Saturday, December 29, 2007

dude I was about to loose my mind this afternoon!!!! My children were making me crazy!!! I think they were cooped up too long! I sooo wish they could go outside and play!!! I did finally get out of my house for few glorious hours! Although my phone was ringing off the hook while I was gone!!! I just wanted some time alone away from boys for a few hours!!! is that too much to ask!!! I think it is.... Anyways I headed to the Attic to get my stuff for class!!!! OMGoodness we are going to have some fun coming up in the nest few classes! I am working on March's class! fun fun fun is all I can say!!!! I am soo excited I am going to get started on them tonight!!!! Lets just say we are going to have fun with some flock, glitter, spray paint and then some!!!!! I just looked at my ticker and saw that Crop*A*Ganza is around the corner!!! Are you ready???? I am excited!!! It is going to be fun!!! 3 days of scrapbooking away from boy stuff!!!! Yeah!!!!! Well Jaxi is trying to nibble on my arm as I type because he wants to go downstairs to play trains. crazy kiddo! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!! peace out my friends!