Thursday, March 6, 2008

Look what I caught on the couch. These two loving on each other!!! Watching SpongeBob together! Cute Cute Cute!!!! Jaxi is such a ham!!! With dinner face and all!!!
Sooo serious watching BOB!!!!

Here is a sneak peek to something I love..... I believe this is for May's class!!!!
I LOVE Magnolia trees!!!! Just GORGEOUS!!!!


Kim said...

We have a white magnolia tree in our backyard. It smells like lemons when it is blooming. I inadvertanly found awesome pink magnolia trees at the Emprise Bank at Cental and West street. I actually have the pictures up in my bathroom!
I'm lovin' Jaxi's face. How serious is Sponge Bob? Lol... Have a great day tomorrow.

Ticey said...

Your kids are too cute and the pictures of the Magnolia tree is GORGEOUS!!!

aday said...

are you going to help us photograph amazing pics like that? How did you blur the background?

Alicia Sharp said...

Beautiful pics of the magnolia tree! Nice job!!

Heather Dawn said...

Aaaahhh! Summer what a great catch, your boys being cute together!

I saw your April class layouts at the attic and I think I just might have to sign up for this month!!! They look AWESOME!