Sunday, December 16, 2007

What a lazy weekend!

Actually I have been busy in the cheerio. I am super excited I did some chopping at the Attic Friday and I got my 2008 Calendar for my fridge!!! I already got it done!!! It was one of those projects you just don't want to stop once you start!!! I got the Making Memories blank calendars. I think it's like 15x8 landscaped!!! I am going to put some tape magnets on it and keep it on the fridge! I also updated my ornaments that I made for my cousins. After seeing a picture of them ummm can you say blahhhhhh! So anyways I made them sparkle and I hope once the pictures are in them they will really pop! If anything they will be pretty ornaments for their presents! ha!

Well Johnny and I did get out of the house today for a little bit!! Yeah!!! Kristy I finally got my bracelet!!! I even got one for Frankie's bride to be. I think it is soo her! We went to the Pink Boa!!! Johnny loved the store! He told me, "Mom they really have great stuff in here"!!! I think the cute girls giving him a ton of attention and offering him candy canes & chocolate chip cookies kinda helped! I also got a cute magnet that says "Save the Drama for your Mama"!!! It had a Monkey on it in pink how could I resist!?!?!! I don't think I would have cared what it said!! Then we headed for a haircut for Johnson!!! He is looking like a cutie patootie!!! He was sporting an afro that was out of control!! Then off to Dillons for a couple of things! Now I am home and I am sooooo going to get pictures of my calendar! I used pictures of just the boys. And the Attic had these perfect rubons for all the months and little celebrations for throughput the year! So cute!!
Hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend!!!


kristyM said...

I *heart* that bracelet!! The Pink Boa ROCKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Summer love that bracelet, I'm a Pink Boa virgin, guess I'm gonna have to jump off the wagon and make a trip to town to check it out.
Your calendar looks great too! Although I am sick with envie that you got it done so quickly - I need some of your mojo sent my way> LOL!


princess jeffier said...

Love Love Love the bracelet, had to go and buy 2 for gifts and one for ME after I saw it here.