Create a layout about YOU!!! Using this sketch!!! Now go create something beautiful!!! You have until 11/30 to submit!!!
Sketch by Lucy Folch
This day just flew by! I got up for my turbo kick class and then went upstairs to workout with Ken. I was feeling really good! I got through my leg extensions and then I headed over to the leg press machine. I had just completed my first set of 50's!! It sounds harder than it is... Trust me it's hard but it's fun!! Anyways I went to crawl out of the machine to give my legs a break and I only used one arm to get out. I should have used both like I always do. Well I pulled something in my back and I was done. I did some stretching but it wasn't helping. I did get my back to pop but it just wasn't enough. So I decided to call it quits. I felt like such a wuss! But I think it was a good idea that Ken said I had had enough and to go home and do some heat and ice! I got home applied some heat and it seemed to help.
I kept Johnny home from school today he was still coughing and I didn't want him running outside. We played in the basement most of the day and I actually got to work on some stuff for our January class!!! Fun fun fun!!!! Then I had an appointment with our cabinet guy, Dave at the house. I was having issues with the island, it was too small & too skinny. I met with him to change it up a bit. I am now loving it!!! And I can get all 3 of my boys around it with plenty of room for me and some friends! I just keep thinking that these two little knuckleheads are going to big one day and I want to make sure we don't grow out of our home, because I AM NOT MOVING AGAIN!!!! lol! The brick is almost done just the front to go! I am loving it! We should have sheet rock in about two weeks. OMG that is exciting! Well gotta get back to our shows!! Little People Big World!! Chow!
I kept Johnny home from school today he was still coughing and I didn't want him running outside. We played in the basement most of the day and I actually got to work on some stuff for our January class!!! Fun fun fun!!!! Then I had an appointment with our cabinet guy, Dave at the house. I was having issues with the island, it was too small & too skinny. I met with him to change it up a bit. I am now loving it!!! And I can get all 3 of my boys around it with plenty of room for me and some friends! I just keep thinking that these two little knuckleheads are going to big one day and I want to make sure we don't grow out of our home, because I AM NOT MOVING AGAIN!!!! lol! The brick is almost done just the front to go! I am loving it! We should have sheet rock in about two weeks. OMG that is exciting! Well gotta get back to our shows!! Little People Big World!! Chow!
ok because I am a little slow and I know I am the blonde in the back on the short bike peddling fast trying to keep up I need a list all together of all the challenges up to date. I get confused..
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