Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kinda a relaxed day

Some more Adobe practice!!!!
Rhett's Room- I am working on letters for his room!!! Can't wait to show you!!!

Long time no blog!!! I've been kinda busy trying to get some things done around here!!! We have been getting all the things that we have been ordering for the house shipped in and as soon as it comes we have to go through it to make sure that it all arrives. Last night Kevin and I were in a sea of door handles and ceiling fans!!!!! There were over 50 some door handles and we have about 10 ceiling fans!!! You should see the basement!! It's getting tighter & tighter on top of the kids play stuff and my scrapbooking corner!!! It is totally crazy down there!!! The end is getting closer and that is all I can tell myself to not let the chaos make me crazy!!! I am a total organized freak and lets say there is no sort of organization downstairs at all!!!! oh well I think we are like at 60 some days out not much longer!!! YEAH!!!!
Not too much going on today. I just took it easy especially after the day I had yesterday!!! Well half of the day!!! I was on some crazy emotional roller coaster! High and then low it was making me crazy!!! Anyways today is a new day!!! And I am feeling much better!!! I went and got a mani/pedi and totally relaxed!!! It was SUPA nice!!!!! Well we are headed to Dillons to get some dinner soup & salad bar!!!! Yum!!!! Have a great night!!!!